Sewing Production


19 თვე

Qualification to be obtained: Basic vocational qualification in sewing production.

Approaches for implementation of the vocational education programme: Modular

Programme purpose:

The programme purpose is to prepare highly qualified specialist in the sewing production, who has skills for construction, modelling and developing of female, male, children clothing and different purpose sewing products, sewing and decorative designing of Georgian traditional clothes, tailoring, re-designing and repairing of clothes, selecting/using sewing machines and thermal-wetting devices and controlling sewing product quality.

Programme duration:  – 19 months

Programme eligibility criteria: basic education.

Expected results:

After the programme completion, a graduate is able to:

  • Ensure safe working place;
  • Develop composition for different purpose clothes;
  • Select basic and supporting materials for making sewing product, develop sketch and cut out cloth;
  • Use different purpose sewing machines and thermal-wetting processing devices for making clothing;
  • Provide technological processing of clothing details and key nodes;
  • Calculate primary data for constructive planning of woman, man and child clothing;
  • Carry out constructive planning and modelling of women, man and child clothing;
  • Decorate Georgian national clothes;
  • Develop Georgian national clothes in material;
  • Develop women’s clothing in material;
  • Develop men’s clothing in material;
  • Develop children’s clothing in material;
  • Develop different purpose sewing products in material;
  • Tailor clothes;
  • Repair damaged sections of clothes.

Employment opportunities:

A person with the basic vocational qualification in sewing production has an opportunity to be employed as a tailor and constructor in large, medium or small size sewing enterprises, fashion salons.

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