

9 თვე

Qualification to be obtained: basic qualification in electricity

Approaches for implementation of the vocational education programme: Modular

Programme purpose:

The programme purpose is to prepare competitive professionals in low voltage electricity considering the labor market requirements.

Programme duration:  – 9 months

Programme eligibility criteria: basic education

Expected results: Basic vocational qualification

A person with the vocational qualification in electricity is able to:

  • Provide first aid to the victim;
  • Use electric technologies, means for electricity production, transfer and distribution;
  • Install and check lighting and electric circuit in household and small production cases;
  • Gather and use engineering information through the Information and Communication Technology (ICT);
  • Calculate value, area of figures and use statistical methods for data visualisation;
  • Read and draw engineering sketches through different techniques, including, the Computer Aided Design (CAD);
  • Develop and present the project.


Employment opportunities:

A graduate has an opportunity to be employed in any organization as a service provider for electric machines and other electric equipment.

Perspective employment positions are:

  • Electrician;
  • Installer of electro technical systems;
  • Building electrician;
  • Supplier-electrician;
  • Electro-mechanic;
  • Installer of electrical wiring and fittings;
  • Installer of lighting system;
  • Installer of fire alarming system;
  • Installer of security alarm;
  • Installer of street lighting and electrical alarming devices;
  • Installer of lighting in landing-taking off runway;
  • Installer of solar energy electrical collectors.

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